package org.infinispan.distribution; import org.infinispan.remoting.transport.Address; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.infinispan.marshall.Ids; import; import java.util.List; import org.infinispan.marshall.Marshallable; import static java.lang.Math.min; import; import; /** * Adapter around a generic consistant hash to allow hashing of jgroups addresses. */ @Marshallable(externalizer = DefaultConsistentHash.Externalizer.class, id = Ids.DEFAULT_CONSISTENT_HASH) public class AddressHash extends AbstractConsistentHash { /** A Weight and weight factor of 1 gives one node per address. */ private static final int WEIGHT = 1; /** Weightfactor and weight control the number of virtual nodes in the consistent hash. */ private static final int WEIGHT_FACTOR = 1; // make sure all threads see the current list ArrayList
addresses; GenericConsistentHash
chash; public void setCaches(List
caches) { addresses = new ArrayList
(caches.size()); Address[] rawAddresses = caches.toArray(new Address[caches.size()]); int[] weights = new int[rawAddresses.length]; Arrays.fill(weights, WEIGHT); // A consistent hash of the addresses, with no virtual nodes. chash = new GenericConsistentHash.Builder
(rawAddresses) .weights(weights) .weightFactor(WEIGHT_FACTOR).build(); int poolSize = chash.getPoolSize(); Address[] hashedAddresses = new Address[poolSize]; hashedAddresses = chash.getPoolValues(hashedAddresses); for (int i=0; i getCaches() { return addresses; } public List
locate(Object key, int replCount) { int clusterSize = addresses.size(); int numCopiesToFind = min(replCount, clusterSize); // Loads the primary owner of the key, and replication servers into the owners array. Address[] owners = chash.locate(key, new Address[numCopiesToFind], numCopiesToFind); return Arrays.asList(owners); } /** * The distance between the first entries in the address array for two caches, a1 and a2. * Of questionable use when virtual nodes are employed. * * @param a1 The address of the first cache. * @param a2 The address of the second cache. * * @return Am int containing the difference between these two indices. */ public int getDistance(Address a1, Address a2) { if (a1 == null || a2 == null) throw new NullPointerException("Cannot find the distance between null servers."); int p1 = addresses.indexOf(a1); if (p1 < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address " + a1 + " not in the addresses list of this consistent hash impl!"); int p2 = addresses.indexOf(a2); if (p2 < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address " + a2 + " not in the addresses list of this consistent hash impl!"); if (p1 <= p2) return p2 - p1; else return addresses.size() - (p1 - p2); } /** * Two hashes are adjacent if they are next to each other in the consistent hash. * @param a1 The address of the first cache. * @param a2 The address of the second cache. * * @return A boolean, true if they are adjacent, false if not. */ public boolean isAdjacent(Address a1, Address a2) { int distance = getDistance(a1, a2); return distance == 1 || distance == addresses.size() - 1; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; AddressHash that = (AddressHash) o; if (addresses != null ? !addresses.equals(that.addresses) : that.addresses != null) return false; if (chash != null ? !chash.equals(that.chash) : that.chash != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = addresses != null ? addresses.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (chash != null ? chash.hashCode() : 0); return result; } public static class Externalizer implements org.infinispan.marshall.Externalizer { public void writeObject(ObjectOutput output, Object subject) throws IOException { DefaultConsistentHash dch = (DefaultConsistentHash) subject; output.writeObject(dch.addresses); output.writeObject(dch.positions); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object readObject(ObjectInput unmarshaller) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { AddressHash dch = new AddressHash(); dch.addresses = (ArrayList
) unmarshaller.readObject(); dch.chash = (GenericConsistentHash
) unmarshaller.readObject(); return dch; } } }